08 February 2006


There is something magical about snow. Not the snow that sticks and creates a world of white. That's nice. But the magic of snow is in the moments when it swirls around and takes you by surprise. When it falls gently, like petals thrown by the gods upon the earth--each flake a taste of clean and hope. When I was growing up, snow was the most amazing thing to grace the earth. It was beautiful and clean and, most importantly, allowed for "snow days" with no school. On nights where snow was forecast, there was a tangible hope in the air--please snow, please snow, please know. And, when it did, there was no better feeling in the world.

Most of the snow in Copenhagen is gone now.

But it snowed tonight. It didn't stay around; it was perfect.

Today, like all my Wednesdays, found me without any classes. I did have a "fieldstudy" which consisted of a wonderfully boring, yet necessary documentary about Kierkegaard's works and life. Aftwards, my friend Gretchen and I wandered around Copenhagen until 1ish when I came home and prepared for the rest of my day.

Tonight, I went and had dinner with new friends. They're not just aquaintences anymore. No, I think they can be classified as friends. We cooked a delicious stir-fry (I brought the chicken), and toasted to Copenhagen and new friends. Later, after dinner, we found our way to a quaint coffee shop and just enjoyed each other's company. I left with my friend Erin, and I realized that what I had been needing since I got here--social interaction with kids my age (to put it plainly), but also the recognition of a common experience, story and dream--I had gotten...four times over.

That's when it snowed.

Here's to Mel, Erin, Tyler, Nor (did I spell that right?), and Punille (I know I didn't spell that right) the Dane. Thanks for a great night.


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